APRIL 2016 - Our New Minister of Students

I would like to spend a few minutes introducing our new minister of students. Are you excited? Are you confused wondering where you have been? At our past business meeting, the personnel committee recommended and the church approved changing my job title to minister of students. Okay, we don't have a new person. Yes, I am guilty of using click bait to get people to read the article. Are you here? If so, it worked! Please keep reading to find out why this is important.

To most of you, this doesn't seem like much of a change. I have used the title minister of students since I came to VGBC. For me the difference between minister of youth and minister of students represents my philosophy of ministry to teenagers and their families. Now it actually represents new ministry responsibilities.

In addition to continuing to minister directly to our 6th-12th grade students and parents, I will now be providing oversight for our children's ministry director and the children's ministry. While I am not functioning as THE minister to children, I plan on being a little more hands on with the children's ministry. This will be true especially as we transition to our new children's ministry director. We have an incredible team of leaders and volunteers ministering to our 6th-12th grade students. Our team continues to grow as more people are feeling led to join in with what God is doing in and through our youth ministry. I will be leaning on them in a greater way to help lead out on Sunday morning and Wednesday night.

We will now be able to start working toward having one common vision for our children from birth to graduation. In the end, this will help make our youth ministry even stronger as we build a strong bridge from preschool to children to youth. I hope to spend more time casting vision, equipping our amazing team of leaders and volunteers, and encouraging parents. I may not be as present with our teenagers each week, but I am still passionate about ministering to them and pointing them to Jesus. I am also excited about the opportunity to provide direction for our children's ministry. Exciting days are ahead for our children and youth at Vista Grande.
