NOVEMBER 2015 - Attitude of Gratitude

At the end of this month we will celebrate Thanksgiving. In December 1621, the Pilgrims celebrated a 3 day feast to thank God. By proclamation of President George Washington, America celebrated it first Day of Thanksgiving to God under its new constitution in 1789. Thanksgiving became a federal holiday in 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens." Thanksgiving has always been intended to be a day for the people of our nation to stop and thank and praise God.

As followers of Christ, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 commands us, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." God's will is that every day and even every moment in life would be a time of thanksgiving for us.

How many of us need to ask God to help us develop an attitude of gratitude? Gratefulness seems to be a virtue that no longer exists for many in our world. Many people now have a sense of entitlement and that they are owed whatever they want. While we may think this is some new modern development, we see from the pages of the Old Testament that God's people constantly battled this attitude of ungratefulness and entitlement. They constantly grumbled and complained about God's provision for them.

When we do not have an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude, we are in a way saying we do not think God's provision is good enough. Psalms repeatedly tells us we should thank God because He is good and his love and mercy endure forever. James 1:17 tells us, "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." Ephesians 1:3 tells us God has "blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." Matthew 6 encourages us to seek first God's Kingdom and his righteousness. God already knows what we need, and we can trust him to provide.

Thankful Christians are people who are filled with joy. They avoid grumbling and complaining. They are content in the Lord because they know His provision is perfect and exactly what is needed. When we have an attitude of gratitude, we can be a blessing to others because we realize we have been blessed with so much. We can grow closer to the Lord knowing we are right in line with his will for our lives. God is good and his grace and love are more than sufficient.

Take time this month to thank God for who He is and all the blessings He has provided. Spend time as a family thanking God for His provision of life, salvation, and basic needs. Encourage your children to develop an attitude of gratefulness rather than entitlement. Pray that God would transform your heart and help you to have an attitude of gratitude.
