FEBRUARY 2015 - Worth the Wait Series

Throughout February, we will tackle the topic of sexual purity during our Wednesday night student worship time.  Teens today receive mixed messages about the subject of sex and dating.  The world says sex is merely a physical act between two people.   Many teens grow up thinking sex is the ultimate experience in life and the greatest act of love.  Many teens also find their total identity in their relationship status.   On the other hand, some teens that grow up in church grow up thinking sex is dirty.  “Don’t have sex” is all that has been pounded into them with no biblical explanation or understanding of God’s plan for sex and marriage.  God has put boundaries in place for our protection and for our ultimate satisfaction in life.  His ways are always better than our ways.   Our students need to know what God’s Word says about His plan for sex and marriage.  

To better tackle this issue in an age appropriate way, we will have separate teaching times for Middle School and High School during this series.  We will still worship together at 6:30 and then break up for Bible Study.  Joe and Rhonda Sa Pereira will lead the Middle school study.   The following topics will be covered:  God created you for the best, the value of virginity, the power of patience, and true love is worth waiting for.  They will be using the curriculum, Worth the Wait, written by Paul Abner.
Michael and Kati Lusk will lead the high school study.   We will dive into what the Bible has to say about sex, God’s plan for the family and marriage, biblical principles that should guide our thoughts about dating and relationships, and we will challenge our students with the biblical truth that sexual purity is so much more than saving sex for marriage.  We will split up the high school guys and girls the last week to look at issues such as pornography, lust, modesty, and guarding your heart and mind.

Parents, we want to partner with you to help your teenager capture God’s vision for their love life.  Please feel free to join us during the large group teaching time.    
