OCTOBER 2015 - The Vision of Vista Grande Student Ministry
There are many different ways in which people define vision. I believe one of the most simple and precise definitions is that vision is a picture of what the future can or will be. As opposed to aimless direction and unintentional activity, vision provides the path of where you are going.
Deuteronomy 6:4-6 is a passage that I meditate upon often as a husband, a parent of 3 children, and a minister called to pour into teenagers. This passage provides the big picture of what kingdom focused parenting should look like. We should constantly be teaching our children the Word of God and helping them to see what life as a disciple and follower of Christ is all about. This will not happen accidentally or by chance, so we must be very intentional about pointing our children to Christ and His Kingdom...casting vision for their lives!
At Vista Grande, you may have noticed we use John 10:10 in our student ministry logo. Jesus tells us in this verse, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. The call to follow Christ is a call to die to yourself and the pursuits of the world, to follow Him, and experience abundant life by truly living in Him. The big picture we are painting for our students is that we want them to LIVE:
- In Christ
- Trust in Jesus, Live for Jesus, Love Jesus, Depend upon the grace of Jesus, Obey Jesus, Abide in Jesus. We can do nothing apart from Him. Seek first His Kingdom because this world is not our home.
- In the Word
- Spend daily time reading the Word, meditating on the Word, and obeying the Word. It is not enough just to spend time in the Word, we must do what it says.
- In Prayer
- Prayer changes us, draws us closer to the Father, makes us more like Jesus, and helps us to know the will of God. Prayer is a conversation with God where we grow deeper in our relationship with Him. Prayer is not a last resort but as necessary as the air we breathe to stay alive.
- In Community
- We need other believers to challenge us, encourage us, and keep us accountable. We NEED to be committed to the church and to doing life together beyond the walls of our church building. Our students also need to do life together with other followers of Christ at school. The call to Christ is a call to the community of the redeemed!
- As Ambassadors of Christ
- We must have a burden for the lost. Christ has commanded us to take the Gospel to the world and make disciples. We should pray for the salvation of our lost friends and for the boldness to share Christ with them. Our students are missionaries on their school campus.
Jesus desires for us to experience abundant life in Him, and our students need a daily reminder of what that life can look like. As followers of Christ, this is a vision we should all be casting for our children. As parents, we have the greatest influence in the lives of our kids. We have a calling from God to disciple our children and show them what abundant life in Christ is like. If our students are going to catch this vision, it most often begins at home. What vision are you casting for your family?
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