JANUARY 2015 - New Year's Resolution

     The beginning of a new year is a time when many people make goals such as exercising more, losing weight, sticking to the family budget, and the list goes on.  Goals are good because they help give us vision, direction, and purpose for the year.  I wonder how many of us have taken time to develop some goals for our spiritual lives and our families this year?   
     Our relationship with Christ should be the central factor in our lives as Christians, yet so often we drift day to day without being guided by the Spirit of God.  Now would be a great time to establish some personal goals such as spending daily time in the Bible, developing a powerful prayer life, being more faithful in church attendance, getting plugged into serving in a ministry, inviting your friends who do not have a relationship with Christ to church, sharing your faith in Christ regularly, faithfully giving your tithe and offering to God, and getting involved in a Sunday school class. 
     Some great family goals would be to make sure your family is plugged into church this next year, have a family meal around the dinner table several times a week, spend more quality time together, have a regular family devotion time together, parents regularly pray for your spouse and children, find a ministry project to get involved in as a family, become a family that is first and foremost focused on God and His Kingdom, and that we as parents would be constantly molded into becoming more like Christ so that we might be a Godly example and influence in the lives of our children.
     Too many people have drifted along in the Christian life for too long!  Make it your goal this year to passionately pursue Christ, to grow in your Faith, and to be used by God to make an impact in this world.
