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NOVEMBER 2017: Called to be a Servant

Our Disciple Now weekend had a great impact in the lives of our students. Over the weekend, students learned from scripture that we aren't simply called to serve, but we are called to be servants. More than thinking of serving as an action verb, we should think of it as word that describes our lives. We are commanded in scripture to have the attitude of a servant. Philippians 2 tells us we should have the attitude of Christ, and Christ humbled himself and became a servant. In order to have the attitude of Christ and serve like him, we first must understand the way he served us by dying on the cross for our sins. As we trust in Him and surrender our hearts to Him, the Spirit of God begins to transform our hearts, minds, and wills to become more like Jesus. As we draw closer to Christ, we can begin to love and serve people the ways Jesus loves and serves people. All followers of Christ are called to be servants. We serve others by humbling ourselves and thinking of the needs of oth...

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