Our D-Now weekend will be here before you know it!  I wanted to take a moment and fill you in on our theme for this year, and to also ask you to begin to pray for us as we approach this major event. 

Mark 10:45 tells us the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.  Jesus came as God in flesh, dwelt among us, and got messy by serving us.  He is the ultimate servant-leader.  His servant’s heart can be seen throughout His ministry to the least, the last, and the lost.  Jesus gave us an example in washing the feet of His 12 disciples.  Jesus ultimately served by laying down His life for us in love.  Jesus served others regardless of ethnicity, social status, economic status, spiritual standing, age, or friendship. 

More than going on a mission trip, doing chores, or volunteering at church or in the community, having a servant’s heart is a lifestyle of loving others deeply, laying our lives down for the good of others, and being a servant.  The world tells us to think first and foremost of ourselves, yet God calls us to humble ourselves and look out for the interests of others.  This does not come naturally!  Having a servant’s heart requires a work of grace in our lives as Jesus radically changes our heart and shapes us to be more like Him. 

The large group worship sessions and small group times will focus on the theme of iServe. We will have a powerful time of worship, Bible study, application, and learning about what it means to have a servant’s heart!  Mark 10:45 is the theme verse and shows us we should be a servant because Jesus himself came to earth to serve.  Over the weekend your student will learn: 

* What is a servant?        * Who do you serve?        * When do you serve?        * How do you serve? 

Disciple Now Weekend will be a life-changing time for our students and their friends.  It is a ton of fun as well!  This is one of the most impactful events we do all year.  We would love to see 100 teenagers from VGBC at D-now.  We also want to encourage our students to invite their friends who do not know Christ.  Could you as a parent help us with that?  If the financial cost is a concern or a burden for your family, PLEASE don’t let it be.  We will make it possible for every teenager who wants to be a part of the weekend to be here!   

Please be praying for our ministry, your teen, and their friends as we challenge them with this message from God’s Word.  We serve a big and awesome God, and I cannot wait to see how He will move in the lives of our students.

Michael Lusk
Minister to Students
Vista Grande Baptist Church
